Sunday, June 24, 2012

Anime Expo Next Week!

Yes Anime Expo is next week! well this week on the american calender since sunday ia first.  And you wanna know what's awesome? I GOT AN EBT CARD! Its for food for people that can't afford it and I can't. I qualified for Emergency money(get the money faster) and got A LOT  of money. >_> I was expecting like 100 bucks cause i buy my food from dollar stores and rarely from a chain grocery store (ralphs, target, pravilions, ect.) ALSO ALSO I GOT INTO THE CRASH SPACE TOO! WHERE I CAN SLEEP IN A CRAMPED ROOM WITH UP TO 7 OTHER VOLUNTEERS! :D BOYS & GIRLS~! I don't find it a problem since as you know i really don't care xD long as i don't see any of em nude its all good to me! xD I'd take a pillow but forget it i'll use my jacket~ or the floor i like sleeping on the floor~. I just need to be there early and its ALL GOOD! 

I will get the room on the 28th which is day 0 so that's sweet and AX is 4 days long till the 2nd of july so its awesome :D its should be D: (all worried again) Can't wait for it. I don't have many clothes so i dunno. got like 2-3 pairs of pants uuuh yeahhhh haha. I plan to take Clarice(my netbook) with me and this electric flat iron. and my water bottle i need to clean that thing again. And maybe buy some bananas. hehe. :D .....yeah hope i'm not late D: waaaah

Also didn't get that job either. fuckin' basterds


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Job Interview today!

I got a job interview today! :D .....I hope I get it though. I don't have transportation to get there so imma have to walk it'd take an hour and 19mins not bad but i still need to take a shower and wash my hair and press it which would take like 3 damn hours or so. and I also need to get the last 2 dollars i have in change into dollars so i can put 10 bucks on my phone so i'll have 30 and buy my minutes then i guess WALK over to the interview. the interview is at 10:30AM means i have  to get up at 7am go to ralphs walk to 7/11 put 10 dollars on the card add minutes rest for maybe 10mins or NOT and walk to the place for interview and how to hell i'm not lost. hopefully be there by 10am because well good doesn't have a 1030am option. i have no food so maybe one of those chicken patty things my bro brought to the house yesterday. I don't have a dress shirt either. well i USED TO but those were from Elementary and those have long been turned in for cash and i don't think i could wear them anyway D: wah would make shopping so much easier.
i'm so hungry and tired but i still got stuff to do. i should eat though before continuing combing my hair out otherwise i'll just get more tired and hungry.


Monday, June 11, 2012


I ACCIDENTALLY pressed the channel button on the tvi n my mom's room and lost the cable. i contacted time warner via live chat since i can't call em. and they didn't even fucking tell me how to fix it. ITS FUCKING SIMPLE SERIOUSLY! and i had to make an appointment t get it fixed. But that pisses me off since i screwed up my mom's cable for her room and i wanted to get it done BEFORE she got home or well LEAST NOT HAVING TO WAIT 3 FUCKING DAYS! The internet....FUCKING USELESS! IT JUST GAVE ME MORE HEADACHES AND FRUSTRATIONS! LIKE I HAVEN'T HAD THAT ENOUGH THE LAST 3-4 FUCKING DAYS! After i stopped that shit i thought ok imma just press these buttons and HOPE i can do this right and well I DID! THANK FUCK! what i did(this is a reference for myself so that's why i'm putting instructions)

  • Pressed the TV button(pointing at the tv!) 
  • Press "Input" button (under the "7" button)

  • work out(run in place on the patio)
  • eat (again)
  • brush my teeth (i keep getting hungry so i didn't get to do this AT ALL! MY TEETH HURT!)
  • clean from under toilet
  • seal bottom of toilet with silicone & do the same in mom's bathroom
  • get cardboard boxes from recycling bin outside(hopefully, now i have no idea if they are still there)
  • take apart table in the back
  • use cardbard to get ride of table from the back
  • i dunno more running in place
man i'm so pissed i need to eat something fuck today which is what i think EVERYDAY usually


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Marrying cousins/Inbreeding

Ok i dunno WHY but i hate that people say its OKAY to marry your 2nd cousin and looked it up a bit and its pretty much marrying your mom's brother's kids' kids i dunno about you but that's  TO FUCKING CLOSE! NO MATTER HOW YOU PUT IT EW! my diagram

Grandmother + grandfather
your mom + your dad   &  her brother + your aunt
                 =                                       =
               YOU                 1ST COUSIN + their spouse 
                                           2nd Counsin = OK TO MARRY! YEAH! (FUCK NO! SCREW THAT)!

It's a guess but I think that's how it is I'm sorry but  I'm NOT marrying ANYONE I'M RELATED TO NO MATTER HOW FUCKING SMALL THE PERCENTAGE IS. FUCK. THAT. Everyone else can enjoy that nasty shit not me screw that. My mom told me once that that kinda marriage happened in our famly too i dunno which kinda cousin but ugh ew and what was with the kids? Well THEY GOT PROBLEMS or  something genetically i dunno i have a cousin that's cross-eyed he's probably one of their kids. That's what happens when you marry to closely related THE KIDS BECOME FUCKED UP. WHO THE FUCK IS OKAY WITH THAT?! YOUR RISKING MESSING WITH THIS KIDS LIFE FOR THIS BS EW. Any of a number of things could go wrong the chances of you having a kid with a close relative I DON'T KNOW THE MATH but the normal risk of like a miscarrge i guess is higher with a relative or well NO KID AT ALL. I dunno i don't wanna look it up to gross. ew man found this on wikipedia. 

"You can't help who you fall in love with, it just happens. I fell in love with my sister and I'm not ashamed ... I only feel sorry for my mom and dad, I wish they could be happy for us. We love each other. It's nothing like some old man who tries to fuck his three-year-old, that's evil and disgusting ... Of course we're consenting, that's the most important thing. We're not fucking perverts. What we have is the most beautiful thing in the world."

inbreeding from wiki:
ncest that results in offspring is a form of close inbreeding (reproduction between two individuals with a common ancestor). Inbreeding leads to a higher probability of congenital birth defects because it increases that proportion of zygotes that are homozygous, in particular for deleterious recessive alleles that produce such disorders.[76] Because most such alleles are rare in populations, it is unlikely that two unrelated marriage partners will both be heterozygous carriers. However, because close relatives share a large fraction of their alleles, the probability that any such rare deleterious allele present in the common ancestor will be inherited from both related parents is increased dramatically with respect to non-inbred couples.

Imma read more but that's what it is and i dunno how you'd have a kid and make em go through that and they could of been born normal, that just seems real fucked up to me.

- BK


I thought i was molested when i was a kid and i was WRONG ugh. its annoying. i dunno how many fake memories i have and my mind keeps going to them and its giving me migraines how i want them to stop and i just can't stop thinking bout my past lives either because i feel so lonely >_< i know i should stop but I can't help it. uuuuugh. damn it all. There's also people i want to talk to but i just can't keep up with them. I feel like a 3rd wheel and just can't handle it since i dunno i'll feel like an annoying squeaky toy or something. Also at the time i started feeling this way i'd probably act i dunno pissed off so i avoided them. Either way i just don't feel good enough butting into other people's conversations real life, on the phone and ect. Since one way or another i'll get annoyed and i dunno what i'd do so it's best to not talk. i want to but i dunno, i just don't know what to talk about anyway since they are usually busy and i don't know i really don't know ugggggh. hopefully i can do some kinda running tomorrow.


Monday, June 4, 2012

Jet Pen Sharpie Review

Last week i got myself a free Jet Pen from and the one they gave me a Sharpie Ultra Fine Point  red permanent marker. i drew some random sketches on the white part of some cardboard you get when you use that vending machine for stickers and whatnot.

my sketches:

took a picture with my camera. As always Sharpie is a fine marker. smooth and vibrant and easy to write and draw with. Though drawing with a marker is hard for me since i always make mistakes. It'd be pretty cool if one day they make a erasable marker pens. Like the erasable ink pens. That'd be pretty cool. One day. one day. Anyway the sharpie marker is great sharpie is a good company there markers are amazing. I often make mistakes with markers since i can't fix it but with a Sharpie Ultra Fine Point anyone can become better drawing and or writing with them and work your way up to the normal point type markers.

A great pen! A great Buy and they do last a while! If you leave the cap on, i made that mistake a few times. 5/5! is also a great place to find japanese pens and stationery products. GO GIVE IT A LOOK! 

- BK

Monday, May 28, 2012

True Story of the Rugrats - No its not

i looked on youtube and saw this and thought "holy shit!" but then i remembered hearing a news story or something about the girl that died and her story being the same as the shows was a pure accident. Even though her name was the same and everything else it wasn't done that way on purpose. Even in movies & tv and cartoons (even doug & the angry beavers) that everything that happens isn't real and whatever is based on real life facts was PURE COINCIDENCE. It happened with this girl and i remember they wanted to have rugrats cancelled because of how Angelica in the show acted just like the girl that died and they didn't like that. >_> it eventually got settled i think and the girl's real name and identity was never revealed. Though her name WAS ANGELICA her last name wasn't reveal or it was but I don't remember it. i was 3 when she died like i'd know that. On the net it does talk about her friend the going to help Nickelodeon with the show i remember it saying that. Also think there was a episode of how she died or i had a dream about that and it never really happened O_O i don't know EITHER WAY IT WAS PURE COINCIDENCE >_< I KNOW THAT FOR SURE :D D: still a bit f a sad story though.

I kept feeling real excited or scared or maybe i dunno about it >_< feeling i dunno horrible? that i never noticed it before and how horrible that is but remembering it was by pure accident it was based on some girl's life made me feel better D: i dunno i barely get it myself. or maybe its cause in the end she had a happy life even thought it was mostly fantasy. I guess. anyway yeah that's it :D


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Elementary Baseball Rant

If no one ever knew i'm actually very athletic...even thought my body isn't at the moment I really do like playing sports its fun. If there are rules to follow fine i'll follow them...if i'm not the ONLY ONE FOLLOWING IT. In elementary we would play baseball with other classes for fun and of course you don't need to follow the official rules when you play it with kids. I had some friends that knew the real baseball rules would confuse me sometimes with it but whatever. That isn't the problem here since, when we would play with another class I seem to be the ONLY ONE following the official rules or well FORCED to play with them like AFTER i get up to bat. yeah FUN. I'm not a good batter r a bad one or a good catch or a bad one and so on i'm a all around player i guess? So I'd be fine being put anywhere. When your up to bat at certain points its a ball its a strike and ect. when your in elementary its mostly balls not strikes until you miss it when you swing. But OH NO NOT GOOD OLD BK HE HAS TO FOLLOW THE OFFICIAL FUCKIN' RULES! AND HEY LET'S SCREW HIM OVER BY SWITCHES IT LEFT AND FUCKING RIGHT OUT OF NO WHERE AND DON'T TELL HIM TILL ITS TO FUCKING LATE OR MAYBE ONE MOMENT TELL HIM TO FOLLOW IT THEN THE NEXT DON'T THEN DO THEN DON'T THEN DO AND OR JUST DON'T SAY SHIT & GET ALL THE FUCKING BLAME! YEAH BASEBALL IS FUN NOW ISN'T IT?!

I hated it i thought "ok this time where playing with offical rules or no we aren't oh no we are oh no we aren't no we are no we aren't no we are yes no yes no yes no. UGGGGGGH! hey tell me i have to follow it because i'm different but it just doesn't seem right i have to follow and no one else does cause then this counts or it does then it does then it does then it does then doesn't then IT S JUST NOT A FAIR FUCKING GAME ANYMORE AND IT JUST DOESN'T SEEM FUCKING FAIR! ITS TO DAMN CONFUSING! It pretty much just became to damn much and i just stopped one teacher whoever he was seems to make others follow the rules too but alot of the time no. It was just to damn confusing man. Even if he wasn't there it'd be the same damn thing. Ugh. I think i could of joined but i dunno whatever. Mostly hated the teachers and there crap. hmm i think i did join but i never told my mom about it and never got to go. haha. because of how to get home.

i think i was also asked to join the soocer club too in elementary i don't remember that much xD i remember playing and no one got me so i thought they weren't trying. eh oh well guess that's it i'm boredout of my ind gonna look for places i can play sports for SO BORED!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Last night and today 5/25/12

Yesterday we had a power shortage and because of the everything didn't work correctly or work at all. Light were dim microwave didn't work or the gas on the stove or hot water. Well i had the chance to use it when it was still ok mom took hers to late and well had a cold shower lol xD can't stop chuckling about that. Since she kept showing me by showing how she kept moving forward when the cold water ran haha! the internet worked fine but couldn't watch tv D: it worked but looking at the screen all messed up irritated me and made me itch like the freakin static from the phones UGH. Watched episodes of Madoka Magic (AWESOME). also tried to get my tv fixed through twitter with Time Warner Cable it didn't work but least i can get in contact with them via twitter! (never been so happy twitter exist) :D. 

Because of the gas not working or the microwave working or hot water i had to eat cold noddles for dinner >_> it WASN'T delicious it was "eh" had nothing else to guuuuh.HAD TO SLEEP BY CANDLE LIGHT :D WAS PRETTY COOL! leave me and my fear of ...i dunno what it is alone! D: the power went on and off a few time oh yeah THE FUCKING OVEN WAS ANNOYING! It had a high pitch noise ugh hated it. thank god it finally stopped and You could barely hear it the farther you went away from it and even more when you close your door, but i could still hear it stupid ears. dunno when it got fixed mom said when it was 5am it still wasn't working. I went to sleep around 1am(or so) so i dunno either. Nothing else about yesterday i guess

Good to know the power worked and watched tv and found the money(by apparent accident my mom left it there on her entertainment center,2 dollars) walked to the Mal so i could talk to my brother DIDN'T. I didn't see him and didn't stay in there long enough to really know but i thnik he has work tomorrow so hopefully then because i wanted to tel him TOONAMI IS BACK :D But i doubt he'd be here by tomorrow >_> since he said next week. Well walked around a bit pissed i was broke and couldn't buy and food. sat down for 10 or so minutes went to catch the bus to the cat place >_< took a while DAMN FUCKING BUSES DON'T EVEN FOLLOW THE SCHEDULE WHY NOT FREAKIN' CHANGE IT?! Well i did get to the cat place early...somehow they all apparently have some poop problem....ugh man just uuuuugh THE SMELL MAN UGH EW! there where kittens in the back so cute D: kitteeeennnns waaaaah i shouldn't of let them go on my neck >_> ugh. I need to take a shower yeah. i got a pic (on my phone with no mins or anything) in the sink! wah! uhh there are some kitten in the house(of the owner lady) that have some spinal problem which messes with their legs that thing. they're playful :D. i was suppose to clean but i couldn't since they cats started to get curious about the other room with other cats(they are separated) and wanted to see and that is just to hard i think imma kill em by accident >_> so i couldn't >_< DAMN YOU ALL!

Ok thats it SHOWER!


Thursday, May 24, 2012

today so far 5/24/12.

Thinking to much trying to remember my previous life I should write but i keep NOT writing. I plan to write today though. AND DRAW~ i also need to deposit my mom's check into her account and i just now forgot again my bro doesn't have work today so i can't visit him about the book shelves till tomorrow D: gonna probably go turn in the check at 1pm. 11:16am
I got back home around 3pm >_< tired. but i need to work out. watched TMZ Live and petted Nibble a bit and my nose is still annoying me ugh. my back feels a little sweaty but it had time to dry and now i have a headache shit. 4:08pm


Today 5/23/12(late)

I didn't do much yesterday >_> since its 12am now its no longer the 23rd. sleep till 9 or 11 am or something watched tv for i dunno how long till around 1pm. took nibble out around 11something am i was to clean his cage after the 12pm show that came on didn't as usual. hopefully today i do that. Oh yeah there was a free slushie day at 7-11 i was to lazy to get one and didn't really want one that badly. Rather have watched TMZ then go get one xD. uhhh i found 2 dollars in my room and went to the dollar store and bought a box of baking soda(so i can clean the clogged pipes) and a bag of fries. i wanted to buy sweets but that seemed to selfish so i got the fries instead. they are annoying cook with so much shavings of potato ugh. i dunno man annoying day i guess. mom using all the fuckin eggs THEY ARE FOR FUCKING CUPCAKES DAMN IT!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Yesterday 5/22/12

I needed to go exchange the box of "corn muffin bread" i got from the dollar store to "Beer Bread" don't worry the beer in it doesn't make you drunk xD So i heard from some girls talking at the 99cent only store once. I never had it before and maybe it'll be good :3 .whenever we make it xD. I went there and also needed to buy muffin pan for our cupcakes. could only get one cause i knew i'd need food to eat once I got there. so I got a lot of change(i paid for everything in change real change loose change >_> i feel horrible about that) paid in about 40 dang pennies. man sorry guy xD.  what i got to eat was a granola bar this one ate like 2 of those yesterday. so gonna get another on in a minute after i finish this post. i lost at nickle at the dollar store when i bought the pan accidently gave it to the guy and forgot to take it back when i was putting the pennies in my other hand >_> got it back yay! after i left and gave up and looked for a penny in my backpack outside near the road >_<. 

went in got groanola bar, ate one and went to the Fox Hills Mall :D to see my bro and how he was doin and stuff. he still had a knot on his arm D: and a few scars here and there from that time aw. well he'll heal DX.  He still can't get his phone because theo ne he wants the HTC EVO isn't out yet till next thursday? i think he said. wah. I went into his job not even sure he was gonna be in there >_> he was. and i wasn't sure if it was gonna be like Ambercrombie & Fitch where soon as i walked in and looked for like 2 SECONDS GOT A LADY ON ME ASKIN' IF I NEED HELP. I said no and she continued to freakin follow me and ask GOD UNCOMFORTABLE MUCH?! I HAD TO GET OUT OF THERE! TOO MUCH! I think it was cause of how i looked I was kinda fat(in my opinion) and my clothes were big i probably looked like i was gonna steal something. After i left some dudes did the same thing i did. (go in and wanted to stay till friend left from the group job interview) and the same thing happened to them. So i then thought it was cause we were black but uhhh i think so? some white kids(teens i think) went in they lady asked and she didn't follow them around like a god damn freakin stalker ugh. the girls no. the dudes yeah but the girls also i think too  but ugh i don't want to go into that place. EVER AGAIN. And THANK GOD it was not like that @_@ whoo. saw my bro in like 4 mins after lookin at the clothes they had (COOL STUFF!) Pants are expensive though. 

He saw me( i was tryin' to hide! D: ) and came to me said: "what are you doing here?" me:"what? What? hello sir i never meet before. How are you?" and immidetly start tryin to poke me D:< Hey! Your at work you know! we stalked for a bit(somehow that place is loud! music playin always! nice tunes though :D ~) he said he gonna try to get a tracphone that he can use for a while till the EVO comes out. after his gf came he bought me a cinnamon pretzel!(FUCKING DELICIOUS!) His gf bought some chinese and did some stuff(not very exciting) and  they drove me home >_> i told em i could walk but with my bro having been jumped they didn't want me to sooo yay? i guess. finally saw his gf's car its the bug car :D...yeah. thats it about yesterday xD I guess.


My blog!

Decided I needed a blog! Well I did make one before...till I lost the password to it  >_> ughhhhh I think to much and write to much anyway. Which is my twitter i so flooded with my rants(mini version). well I finally made one and i will be sure to keep the password safe this time :D. Though a fair warning for all. PREPARE FOR: Curse words, suicidal thoughts( i have these often but i won't be doing anything with them), lots and lots of hater stuff >_> , and what i find annoying. I'd probably put offense to some people i might even talk about what my friends do that annoy me. and my other thoughts about them which is just me over thinking things that are most likely not true at all. So bear with me here and sorry for any offense i put to any friend i care about xD. but if your not my friend and a person i hate and dis on here well TAKE OFFENSE I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK. :D