Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today 5/23/12(late)

I didn't do much yesterday >_> since its 12am now its no longer the 23rd. sleep till 9 or 11 am or something watched tv for i dunno how long till around 1pm. took nibble out around 11something am i was to clean his cage after the 12pm show that came on didn't as usual. hopefully today i do that. Oh yeah there was a free slushie day at 7-11 i was to lazy to get one and didn't really want one that badly. Rather have watched TMZ then go get one xD. uhhh i found 2 dollars in my room and went to the dollar store and bought a box of baking soda(so i can clean the clogged pipes) and a bag of fries. i wanted to buy sweets but that seemed to selfish so i got the fries instead. they are annoying cook with so much shavings of potato ugh. i dunno man annoying day i guess. mom using all the fuckin eggs THEY ARE FOR FUCKING CUPCAKES DAMN IT!


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