Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Yesterday 5/22/12

I needed to go exchange the box of "corn muffin bread" i got from the dollar store to "Beer Bread" don't worry the beer in it doesn't make you drunk xD So i heard from some girls talking at the 99cent only store once. I never had it before and maybe it'll be good :3 .whenever we make it xD. I went there and also needed to buy muffin pan for our cupcakes. could only get one cause i knew i'd need food to eat once I got there. so I got a lot of change(i paid for everything in change real change loose change >_> i feel horrible about that) paid in about 40 dang pennies. man sorry guy xD.  what i got to eat was a granola bar this one ate like 2 of those yesterday. so gonna get another on in a minute after i finish this post. i lost at nickle at the dollar store when i bought the pan accidently gave it to the guy and forgot to take it back when i was putting the pennies in my other hand >_> got it back yay! after i left and gave up and looked for a penny in my backpack outside near the road >_<. 

went in got groanola bar, ate one and went to the Fox Hills Mall :D to see my bro and how he was doin and stuff. he still had a knot on his arm D: and a few scars here and there from that time aw. well he'll heal DX.  He still can't get his phone because theo ne he wants the HTC EVO isn't out yet till next thursday? i think he said. wah. I went into his job not even sure he was gonna be in there >_> he was. and i wasn't sure if it was gonna be like Ambercrombie & Fitch where soon as i walked in and looked for like 2 SECONDS GOT A LADY ON ME ASKIN' IF I NEED HELP. I said no and she continued to freakin follow me and ask GOD UNCOMFORTABLE MUCH?! I HAD TO GET OUT OF THERE! TOO MUCH! I think it was cause of how i looked I was kinda fat(in my opinion) and my clothes were big i probably looked like i was gonna steal something. After i left some dudes did the same thing i did. (go in and wanted to stay till friend left from the group job interview) and the same thing happened to them. So i then thought it was cause we were black but uhhh i think so? some white kids(teens i think) went in they lady asked and she didn't follow them around like a god damn freakin stalker ugh. the girls no. the dudes yeah but the girls also i think too  but ugh i don't want to go into that place. EVER AGAIN. And THANK GOD it was not like that @_@ whoo. saw my bro in like 4 mins after lookin at the clothes they had (COOL STUFF!) Pants are expensive though. 

He saw me( i was tryin' to hide! D: ) and came to me said: "what are you doing here?" me:"what? What? hello sir i never meet before. How are you?" and immidetly start tryin to poke me D:< Hey! Your at work you know! we stalked for a bit(somehow that place is loud! music playin always! nice tunes though :D ~) he said he gonna try to get a tracphone that he can use for a while till the EVO comes out. after his gf came he bought me a cinnamon pretzel!(FUCKING DELICIOUS!) His gf bought some chinese and did some stuff(not very exciting) and  they drove me home >_> i told em i could walk but with my bro having been jumped they didn't want me to sooo yay? i guess. finally saw his gf's car its the bug car :D...yeah. thats it about yesterday xD I guess.


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