Sunday, May 27, 2012

Elementary Baseball Rant

If no one ever knew i'm actually very athletic...even thought my body isn't at the moment I really do like playing sports its fun. If there are rules to follow fine i'll follow them...if i'm not the ONLY ONE FOLLOWING IT. In elementary we would play baseball with other classes for fun and of course you don't need to follow the official rules when you play it with kids. I had some friends that knew the real baseball rules would confuse me sometimes with it but whatever. That isn't the problem here since, when we would play with another class I seem to be the ONLY ONE following the official rules or well FORCED to play with them like AFTER i get up to bat. yeah FUN. I'm not a good batter r a bad one or a good catch or a bad one and so on i'm a all around player i guess? So I'd be fine being put anywhere. When your up to bat at certain points its a ball its a strike and ect. when your in elementary its mostly balls not strikes until you miss it when you swing. But OH NO NOT GOOD OLD BK HE HAS TO FOLLOW THE OFFICIAL FUCKIN' RULES! AND HEY LET'S SCREW HIM OVER BY SWITCHES IT LEFT AND FUCKING RIGHT OUT OF NO WHERE AND DON'T TELL HIM TILL ITS TO FUCKING LATE OR MAYBE ONE MOMENT TELL HIM TO FOLLOW IT THEN THE NEXT DON'T THEN DO THEN DON'T THEN DO AND OR JUST DON'T SAY SHIT & GET ALL THE FUCKING BLAME! YEAH BASEBALL IS FUN NOW ISN'T IT?!

I hated it i thought "ok this time where playing with offical rules or no we aren't oh no we are oh no we aren't no we are no we aren't no we are yes no yes no yes no. UGGGGGGH! hey tell me i have to follow it because i'm different but it just doesn't seem right i have to follow and no one else does cause then this counts or it does then it does then it does then it does then doesn't then IT S JUST NOT A FAIR FUCKING GAME ANYMORE AND IT JUST DOESN'T SEEM FUCKING FAIR! ITS TO DAMN CONFUSING! It pretty much just became to damn much and i just stopped one teacher whoever he was seems to make others follow the rules too but alot of the time no. It was just to damn confusing man. Even if he wasn't there it'd be the same damn thing. Ugh. I think i could of joined but i dunno whatever. Mostly hated the teachers and there crap. hmm i think i did join but i never told my mom about it and never got to go. haha. because of how to get home.

i think i was also asked to join the soocer club too in elementary i don't remember that much xD i remember playing and no one got me so i thought they weren't trying. eh oh well guess that's it i'm boredout of my ind gonna look for places i can play sports for SO BORED!

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