Monday, May 28, 2012

True Story of the Rugrats - No its not

i looked on youtube and saw this and thought "holy shit!" but then i remembered hearing a news story or something about the girl that died and her story being the same as the shows was a pure accident. Even though her name was the same and everything else it wasn't done that way on purpose. Even in movies & tv and cartoons (even doug & the angry beavers) that everything that happens isn't real and whatever is based on real life facts was PURE COINCIDENCE. It happened with this girl and i remember they wanted to have rugrats cancelled because of how Angelica in the show acted just like the girl that died and they didn't like that. >_> it eventually got settled i think and the girl's real name and identity was never revealed. Though her name WAS ANGELICA her last name wasn't reveal or it was but I don't remember it. i was 3 when she died like i'd know that. On the net it does talk about her friend the going to help Nickelodeon with the show i remember it saying that. Also think there was a episode of how she died or i had a dream about that and it never really happened O_O i don't know EITHER WAY IT WAS PURE COINCIDENCE >_< I KNOW THAT FOR SURE :D D: still a bit f a sad story though.

I kept feeling real excited or scared or maybe i dunno about it >_< feeling i dunno horrible? that i never noticed it before and how horrible that is but remembering it was by pure accident it was based on some girl's life made me feel better D: i dunno i barely get it myself. or maybe its cause in the end she had a happy life even thought it was mostly fantasy. I guess. anyway yeah that's it :D


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