Friday, May 25, 2012

Last night and today 5/25/12

Yesterday we had a power shortage and because of the everything didn't work correctly or work at all. Light were dim microwave didn't work or the gas on the stove or hot water. Well i had the chance to use it when it was still ok mom took hers to late and well had a cold shower lol xD can't stop chuckling about that. Since she kept showing me by showing how she kept moving forward when the cold water ran haha! the internet worked fine but couldn't watch tv D: it worked but looking at the screen all messed up irritated me and made me itch like the freakin static from the phones UGH. Watched episodes of Madoka Magic (AWESOME). also tried to get my tv fixed through twitter with Time Warner Cable it didn't work but least i can get in contact with them via twitter! (never been so happy twitter exist) :D. 

Because of the gas not working or the microwave working or hot water i had to eat cold noddles for dinner >_> it WASN'T delicious it was "eh" had nothing else to guuuuh.HAD TO SLEEP BY CANDLE LIGHT :D WAS PRETTY COOL! leave me and my fear of ...i dunno what it is alone! D: the power went on and off a few time oh yeah THE FUCKING OVEN WAS ANNOYING! It had a high pitch noise ugh hated it. thank god it finally stopped and You could barely hear it the farther you went away from it and even more when you close your door, but i could still hear it stupid ears. dunno when it got fixed mom said when it was 5am it still wasn't working. I went to sleep around 1am(or so) so i dunno either. Nothing else about yesterday i guess

Good to know the power worked and watched tv and found the money(by apparent accident my mom left it there on her entertainment center,2 dollars) walked to the Mal so i could talk to my brother DIDN'T. I didn't see him and didn't stay in there long enough to really know but i thnik he has work tomorrow so hopefully then because i wanted to tel him TOONAMI IS BACK :D But i doubt he'd be here by tomorrow >_> since he said next week. Well walked around a bit pissed i was broke and couldn't buy and food. sat down for 10 or so minutes went to catch the bus to the cat place >_< took a while DAMN FUCKING BUSES DON'T EVEN FOLLOW THE SCHEDULE WHY NOT FREAKIN' CHANGE IT?! Well i did get to the cat place early...somehow they all apparently have some poop problem....ugh man just uuuuugh THE SMELL MAN UGH EW! there where kittens in the back so cute D: kitteeeennnns waaaaah i shouldn't of let them go on my neck >_> ugh. I need to take a shower yeah. i got a pic (on my phone with no mins or anything) in the sink! wah! uhh there are some kitten in the house(of the owner lady) that have some spinal problem which messes with their legs that thing. they're playful :D. i was suppose to clean but i couldn't since they cats started to get curious about the other room with other cats(they are separated) and wanted to see and that is just to hard i think imma kill em by accident >_> so i couldn't >_< DAMN YOU ALL!

Ok thats it SHOWER!


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