Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My blog!

Decided I needed a blog! Well I did make one before...till I lost the password to it  >_> ughhhhh I think to much and write to much anyway. Which is my twitter i so flooded with my rants(mini version). well I finally made one and i will be sure to keep the password safe this time :D. Though a fair warning for all. PREPARE FOR: Curse words, suicidal thoughts( i have these often but i won't be doing anything with them), lots and lots of hater stuff >_> , and what i find annoying. I'd probably put offense to some people i might even talk about what my friends do that annoy me. and my other thoughts about them which is just me over thinking things that are most likely not true at all. So bear with me here and sorry for any offense i put to any friend i care about xD. but if your not my friend and a person i hate and dis on here well TAKE OFFENSE I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK. :D


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