Sunday, June 10, 2012

Marrying cousins/Inbreeding

Ok i dunno WHY but i hate that people say its OKAY to marry your 2nd cousin and looked it up a bit and its pretty much marrying your mom's brother's kids' kids i dunno about you but that's  TO FUCKING CLOSE! NO MATTER HOW YOU PUT IT EW! my diagram

Grandmother + grandfather
your mom + your dad   &  her brother + your aunt
                 =                                       =
               YOU                 1ST COUSIN + their spouse 
                                           2nd Counsin = OK TO MARRY! YEAH! (FUCK NO! SCREW THAT)!

It's a guess but I think that's how it is I'm sorry but  I'm NOT marrying ANYONE I'M RELATED TO NO MATTER HOW FUCKING SMALL THE PERCENTAGE IS. FUCK. THAT. Everyone else can enjoy that nasty shit not me screw that. My mom told me once that that kinda marriage happened in our famly too i dunno which kinda cousin but ugh ew and what was with the kids? Well THEY GOT PROBLEMS or  something genetically i dunno i have a cousin that's cross-eyed he's probably one of their kids. That's what happens when you marry to closely related THE KIDS BECOME FUCKED UP. WHO THE FUCK IS OKAY WITH THAT?! YOUR RISKING MESSING WITH THIS KIDS LIFE FOR THIS BS EW. Any of a number of things could go wrong the chances of you having a kid with a close relative I DON'T KNOW THE MATH but the normal risk of like a miscarrge i guess is higher with a relative or well NO KID AT ALL. I dunno i don't wanna look it up to gross. ew man found this on wikipedia. 

"You can't help who you fall in love with, it just happens. I fell in love with my sister and I'm not ashamed ... I only feel sorry for my mom and dad, I wish they could be happy for us. We love each other. It's nothing like some old man who tries to fuck his three-year-old, that's evil and disgusting ... Of course we're consenting, that's the most important thing. We're not fucking perverts. What we have is the most beautiful thing in the world."

inbreeding from wiki:
ncest that results in offspring is a form of close inbreeding (reproduction between two individuals with a common ancestor). Inbreeding leads to a higher probability of congenital birth defects because it increases that proportion of zygotes that are homozygous, in particular for deleterious recessive alleles that produce such disorders.[76] Because most such alleles are rare in populations, it is unlikely that two unrelated marriage partners will both be heterozygous carriers. However, because close relatives share a large fraction of their alleles, the probability that any such rare deleterious allele present in the common ancestor will be inherited from both related parents is increased dramatically with respect to non-inbred couples.

Imma read more but that's what it is and i dunno how you'd have a kid and make em go through that and they could of been born normal, that just seems real fucked up to me.

- BK

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