Sunday, June 24, 2012

Anime Expo Next Week!

Yes Anime Expo is next week! well this week on the american calender since sunday ia first.  And you wanna know what's awesome? I GOT AN EBT CARD! Its for food for people that can't afford it and I can't. I qualified for Emergency money(get the money faster) and got A LOT  of money. >_> I was expecting like 100 bucks cause i buy my food from dollar stores and rarely from a chain grocery store (ralphs, target, pravilions, ect.) ALSO ALSO I GOT INTO THE CRASH SPACE TOO! WHERE I CAN SLEEP IN A CRAMPED ROOM WITH UP TO 7 OTHER VOLUNTEERS! :D BOYS & GIRLS~! I don't find it a problem since as you know i really don't care xD long as i don't see any of em nude its all good to me! xD I'd take a pillow but forget it i'll use my jacket~ or the floor i like sleeping on the floor~. I just need to be there early and its ALL GOOD! 

I will get the room on the 28th which is day 0 so that's sweet and AX is 4 days long till the 2nd of july so its awesome :D its should be D: (all worried again) Can't wait for it. I don't have many clothes so i dunno. got like 2-3 pairs of pants uuuh yeahhhh haha. I plan to take Clarice(my netbook) with me and this electric flat iron. and my water bottle i need to clean that thing again. And maybe buy some bananas. hehe. :D .....yeah hope i'm not late D: waaaah

Also didn't get that job either. fuckin' basterds


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