Thursday, June 14, 2012

Job Interview today!

I got a job interview today! :D .....I hope I get it though. I don't have transportation to get there so imma have to walk it'd take an hour and 19mins not bad but i still need to take a shower and wash my hair and press it which would take like 3 damn hours or so. and I also need to get the last 2 dollars i have in change into dollars so i can put 10 bucks on my phone so i'll have 30 and buy my minutes then i guess WALK over to the interview. the interview is at 10:30AM means i have  to get up at 7am go to ralphs walk to 7/11 put 10 dollars on the card add minutes rest for maybe 10mins or NOT and walk to the place for interview and how to hell i'm not lost. hopefully be there by 10am because well good doesn't have a 1030am option. i have no food so maybe one of those chicken patty things my bro brought to the house yesterday. I don't have a dress shirt either. well i USED TO but those were from Elementary and those have long been turned in for cash and i don't think i could wear them anyway D: wah would make shopping so much easier.
i'm so hungry and tired but i still got stuff to do. i should eat though before continuing combing my hair out otherwise i'll just get more tired and hungry.


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